Saturday, September 19, 2020


By Guest Contributor

Everything you need to know

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Question 1 - Why use a tattoo cover-up?

Maybe you have a major job interview coming up. Maybe it that amazing job that you've been chasing for years and you've finally been given a shot at it.

Or possibly you are want to cover up your tattoo because after months and months of waiting - you are finally going to be meeting your boyfriend's mother. And apparently she has a thing about tattoos....

Or just maybe you are getting married to your sweetheart. You love your dress and you love your tattoo but they just don't match.

The reason doesn't really matter. The point is you want a tattoo cover-up that works. Most people's first impulse, when stuck with a problem like this, is to google it. The problem is that if you do that, you'll be stuck with a lot of conflicting advice. And TBH most of it is wrong. 

So here's everything you need to know. Here's a popular question; "Do Tattoo Cover-ups work." The answer is this. They sure can but you need to take the time to understand some things. You could go to this site and do the quick 20 second quiz if you'd like to see if your tattoo will work with a tattoo cover-up.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Moving on, you are going to want to know what your options are. What you need will depend on things like positioning and colour. Before you get too far into your decisions making, you should see if you can cheat. Is your tattoo in a position where you can cover it with a thick bracelet or a scarf? Take a look, the solution might be simpler than you think.

If your tattoo is on your feet, maybe swap out sandals for boots. If a physical barrier isn't the answer, you could try cover it with ordinary concealer. If your tattoo is small, or light this might to use a more pink-based tone.

And if that doesn't work either - your next options is to buy a concealer specially made to cover tattoos.

Normally, tattoo concealer tends to be a thicker consistency. You'll want to choose a product that is waterproof - smudging is not helpful.

Here are the steps to successfully using a tattoo cover-up.

STEP 1: Get the area ready

It just needs to be clean and dry and moisturised. Here's what that looks like:

Video courtesy of Tattoo Makeup Concealer

STEP 2: Add the Neutralising Base Concealer

Just smooth a little onto the tattoo. One layer first then the next. Here's how that looks:

Video courtesy of Tattoo Makeup Concealer

STEP 3: Apply a Layer of Finishing Colour

Finishing Colours usually come in light or medium. They contain high colour pigments for long-lasting coverage. Here's what that looks like:

Video courtesy of Tattoo Makeup Concealer

STEP 4: Add Finishing Powder

This locks everything into place. And here's what the finished product looks like...

Video courtesy of Tattoo Makeup Concealer

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1 comment:

  1. So impressive touch.. I like the way you depicted the tattoo cover up issue. I enjoyed all steps including why to use tattoo cover up, getting the area ready, using finishing powder, everything was so so impressive, skilled and beauty and health educative. I can also share my favorite site for my beauty fixing issue brebeautyfix medspa. BTW I enjoyed your videos too. Those are so so precious and useful.
