Saturday, October 2, 2021


By Naomi Shaw

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Summer is drawing to a close and fall is approaching rapidly, forcing many of us to consider a shift in our skincare routine for the fall season. Dryer air and cooler weather means more opportunities for skin issues like eczema and dry, itchy skin to flare up. The addition of face masks to our daily wardrobe, has caused many dry, itchy skin issues and breakouts that we are all dying to see gone!

You should be changing your skincare routine as you change your seasonal wardrobe, to ensure your skin doesn’t get too accustomed to the products and methods you use regularly. It’s time to explore a few autumn-appropriate skincare routines that will keep your skin looking and feeling vibrant as the seasons change.

Why does skin change in the fall months?

“During summer, there’s often more humidity to help moisture stay in the skin and protect its barrier,” says Nancy Samolitis, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder and medical director of FACILE dermatology + boutique, in Beverly Hills, Calif. “In the cooler months, the air gets drier outside and inside with the operation of heaters. When skin starts losing moisture, the barrier can get disrupted, causing increased sensitivity, dryness, and irritation.”

Fall Season Skincare Tips:

Each season creates unique challenges for skin. Summer months mean your skin is more exposed to direct sunlight or things like chlorine or salt – things that dry out your skin and cause irritation. Sweat can also lead to clogged pores or breakouts. Try using these fall season skincare tips and tricks to keep your skin vibrant and glowing for the fast approaching holiday season.

· Hydrate with elastin, collagen, or aloe

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People with existing skin issues like eczema or psoriasis often feel an itching or burning in their skin when the seasons change. The best way to treat overly sensitive skin during season transitions is to hydrate with products that use elastin, collagen or aloe as the active ingredient. The elastin and collagen will help your skin recover from any harsh weather damage, while the aloe soothes and exfoliates.

· Switch to a thicker moisturizer

Did you know that mobile searches for the “best” moisturizers have grown over 115% in the past few years? We typically don’t need as much moisturizer during the summer months as we need in the fall or winter seasons. Cooler temperatures signal the perfect time to switch to a thicker moisturizer, to protect your skin during the more harsh, cold-weather conditions.

· Use a lip moisturizer and add eye creams

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Sensitive areas like lips and eyes need some extra help during the cooler seasons. Both areas have thinner skin that reacts quickly to cold or dry conditions. Using a lip moisturizer and moisturizing eye creams are important for protecting your sensitive areas during colder weather.

· Cut back on exfoliating

Over-exfoliation can create cracks in the skin that lead to loss of hydration and even redness or inflammation. To ensure we have an even skin tone during colder months, cut back on exfoliating, and be gentler to your skin. It will suffer enough from the harsh colder weather, without you adding to its trauma. It’s easy to overdo it, so cut back immediately if your skin is red, inflamed or itchy after a wash.

· Add Vitamin C to your regimen

We wear less sunscreen in the colder months, making it vital that you add Vitamin C to your skincare routine to help protect against SPF rays. Using products with more Vitamin C helps with skin pigmentation and the natural production of collagen.

· Reduce the appearance of pore size

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Our pores tend to expand in summer months to allow for more sweating, making fall the perfect time to reduce pore size and get the sleek look we want. Many people use a purifying mask to absorb extra oil in the skin and clean out your pores. Hydrating masks are also great for reducing pore size, but be sure to limit your use of masks to once or twice per week.

· Check your skincare products ingredients

Finally, as you shift products and routines this season, take the opportunity to look at what ingredients are used in your skincare products. One thing to look for is the use of safe, FDA certified cosmetic dyes. Products that are approved for food, drugs and cosmetics are safer to use on your skin, and proven the most effective as well.

While you are pulling out your sweaters and fuzzy socks, take a moment to consider what your skin needs this season. Give yourself the best shot at healthy, glowing and even skin by changing up your skincare routine to protect your face during the more harsh, cold-weather months.

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